Jake Conroy

Bring Jake to your event or university

Jake has a lot to say, and he wants to talk to you.  

Starting in 2012, Jake has lectured at universities and colleges, conferences and events, across the United States, Europe, New Zealand and Mexico.  He presents his stories of grassroots organizing, government repression, years of federal incarceration, and two decades of experiences to communities in hopes of building new and creative ways of making systemic change.

What People Are Saying

University of N. Carolina

Highly provocative and imminently necessary, “From Activist to Terrorist” should be required for activists and practitioners alike.

Georgetown University

… Jake provided an engaging, critical understanding of a frightening political and social reality: the criminalization of dissent.

Duke University

(This) message needs to be heard by everyone who believes that peaceful activism must be protected.

Harvard Law

Activists of all stripes and anyone concerned with civil liberties will benefit greatly from hearing … Jake.

Jake has spoken at universities, conferences, and events across the United States, Europe, New Zealand and Mexico, including:

Seattle, WA

Portland, OR

Eugene, OR

Ghent, Belgium

Berlin, Germany

Vilnius, Lithuania

Catania, Italy

San Francisco, CA

Oakland, CA

Los Angeles, CA

Oberlin, OH

Washington DC

Hamburg, Germany

Frankfurt, Germany

Helsinki, Finland

Turku, Finland

Luxemburg City, Luxemburg

Marseille, France

Copenhagen, Denmark

Genoa, Italy

Milan, Italy

Barcelona, Spain

Madrid, Spain

Bilbao, Basque Country

Buffalo, NY

New York, New York

Boston, MA

Chapel Hill, NC

Treviso, Italy

Basel, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Salt Lake City, UT

Chicago, IL

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Bern, Switzerland

Auckland, New Zealand

Wellington, New Zealand

Christchurch, New Zealand

Marburg, Germany

Tampere, Finland

Nicosia, Cyprus

Riga, Latvia

Stockholm, Sweden

Malmo, Sweden

Paris, France

mexico city



Let's Talk

Get in touch to discuss dates, venues, and details to bring Jake to your university, conference, or event.

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